Murmuration of Light

‘Murmuration of Light’ is an installation that manipulates the light from the sun to create two distinct patterns. The dispersion of light by prisms into various colors was the main guiding principle behind the piece, as I attempted to split the single source of light into two distinct planes of light that act different to one another, but depend wholly on each other. This effect is achieved by using two different types of acrylic pieces to create the piece; blue translucent squares, and yellow reflective squares, each of which determine the direction of the incoming light.

Suspended from a tree by a single rope, the blanket is vulnerable to the elements and sways in the wind, making the reflections move more erratically. It is accessible to all to touch, move, shake, and adjust, to see how the light it reflects and lets through changes. The piece can also be left alone, purely as an art object rather than an interactive piece. This piece has been installed in multiple places across Stanford’s campus, including the Frost Amphitheater, the Elliott Programming Center, the Stern Hall Courtyard, where it remains to this day.

Photos by Katie Han and Lily Laugharn.
