Ambient Work

My first solo release was the self-titled ‘Shrinking Violet EP’, which comprises of just three songs, each made up of a piano and a synthesizer. I used these songs as a way to break away from the music I had been making in bands prior to starting Shrinking Violet, which was generally very loud, aggressive punk rock. The self-titled project was also the first time that I did not use guitars in a song, which led me to understand that I could make music that was outside of the realm of rock. The three songs are gloomy and simple, and they paved the way for what Shrinking Violet would sound like in later releases.

‘The Fourth Way’ is my second ambient EP, comprised of four songs, each made up exclusively of synthesizers. Unlike the self-titled EP, ‘The Fourth Way’ is far more dense and droning, and the songs sound much grander and more dramatic. Again, this EP is instrumental, and like the first EP, it was written, recorded and released within a week.

[Listen to ‘Shrinking Violet’] [Listen to ‘The Fourth Way’] [Back]